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Mihir Jyotish

Mihir Jyotish is a dedicated jyotish firm which is devoted for people which are facing troubles in their life.

Welcome To
Mihir Jyotish

Mihir Jyotish is a dedicated jyotish firm which is devoted for people which are facing troubles in their life.

Astrology is the
mathematics of your life

from the calculations of your planetary positions to predict what the future holds for you.

Astrology is the
mathematics of your life

from the calculations of your planetary positions to predict what the future holds for you.

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About Mihir Jyotish

The word Jyotish generally means “illumination” or “radiance”. Scientists have conducted hypothetical research on light. Our human lives are also influenced by the rays of innumerable shining orbs present in the celestial sphere. Based on their exceptional wisdom and intelligence, the Vedic sages conducted thorough research on these countless rays and illuminated the effects they have on human life in the world, which is known as the “eye of the Vedas” or Jyotish Shastra. There is a special role of celestial planetary positions in every event that occurs in human life.
The general meaning of the word astrology is light. Scientists have done unimaginable research regarding light. Our human life is also affected by the increasing brightness of innumerable shining bodies in the sky. The Vedic sages, on the strength of their unique intelligence and talent, have published in the world the effect they have on human life by doing proper research on those innumerable bright stars. Whose study motive is in Sara. Which is called eye astrology of Vedas.

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Chandrashekhar Chaturvedi

Founder Mihir Jyotish

Pt. Rewatiraman Chaturvedi


Pt. Brij Nandan Chaturvedi


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भाग्य व पुरुषार्थ

ज्योतिष की आधारभूत संकल्पना भाग्य व पुरुषार्थ के अन्योन्याश्रय सम्बन्ध पर आर्ष ज्ञान के आलोक में विकसित हुई है। प्राय: यह पुराना विवाद रहा है,कि भाग्य व कर्म में प्रमुख कौन है ?

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ज्योतिष एवं तंत्र विज्ञान

भारतीय संस्कृत वाङ्मय को मुख्यतः दो भागों में विभक्त किया गया है- आगम और निगम । निगम में वेद, उपनिषद, पुराण, स्मृति,वेदाङ्ग प्रभृति अनेक शास्त्र आते हैं,…

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ज्योतिष में सूर्य

इस जगती के समस्त चराचर, सृष्टि के स्रष्टा सूर्य की सत्ता से जुड़े हुए हैं। प्रकाश के रूप में सूर्य से आने वाली प्राणशक्ति द्वारा ही पृथ्वी पर जीव का आविर्भाव हुआ है।

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